
Measure of A Man Part 2

Greg Vaughn, Founder of Grace Ministries: For 28 years I had an old file folder entitled Dr. Gene Getz, The Measure of a Man. All that time I greatly desired to make this book COME ALIVE for men, and this year the Lord said yes... GO FOR IT! What a thrill it has been to produce Measure of a Man Part 1 & Part 2. This DVD series is now in the hands of THOUSANDS of churches and men's groups all over the world.

Our pastors and men's leaders have said it this way:
"In over 35 years of ministry, The Measure of a Man is the single most effective tool I've ever used to mature men in their walk with the Savior."

Senior Pastor - Tulsa, OK

"Your guys have emulated the teaching style of Jesus by using these Life Stories like Jesus used the parables... GIVE US more."

Head of Men's Ministry - Ennis, TX

"The Measure of a Man is NOT another program, goodness knows we don't need another one of those, rather the 'MAN' is a process whereby we can study the scriptures and then see real men sharing their successes and failures... it shows us what a man of God looks like and how he lives his life."

Pastor - Jackson, MS

And now it's my privilege to present the Measure of a Man Part II... 10 DVD sessions that will help men continue their journey toward Christian maturity. Each session is about 25 minutes and is also available ONLINE.

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Testimony from Rev. William Green about the power of using Letters from Dad or Lessons from the Tackle Box followed by the Measure of a Man two-part series.


Series Overview by Dr. Gene Getz

Session I
Overcoming Violence (Never Resort to Violence
Session II
A Hospitable Man (A Cup of Cold Water)
Session III
Overcoming Self-Centeredness
Session IV
Able to Teach
Session V
A Temperate Man (Maitaining Balance)
Session VI
A Respectable Man (Adorning the Gospel)
Session VII
A Loving and Kind Man (Blessed is the Peacemaker)
Session VIII
A Devout Man (Lifting Up Holy Hands)
Session IX
A Generous Man
Session X
Life Stories: An 8 Part Compilation.
Life Stories 3-5 minute living dramas that serve as a powerful sermon and teaching illustration.

Effective Ways to Use This Resource

Men's Retreats
Deacon/Elder Training
Community Outreach
Discipleship Classes
New Believer Classes
Youth Groups/Camps
Men's Bible Studies
Father/Son Mentoring
Leadership Training
Men's Mentoring Outreach