Crisis 101 - Making Sense of Life When Life Doesn't Make Sense
What is Crisis 101 - Back to the Basics?
Crisis (Greek - krisis) means "the turning point of a disease", It was used by ancient physicians to describe the point in an illness when things can go toward recovery or not. In modern times we use the term to define very difficult, life-changing events in our lives and the lives of others. All of us are either going into a crisis, coming out of one, or in the midst of it right now. And we know lots of other people in the same boat.
So what do we do? How do we handle those "life-changing" times? And just as important, how do we help others in crisis? Join Dr. Robert Morgan as he gives us 10 basic strategies to navigate those troubled and stormy times in our lives. He will help us see that times of crisis can be faith building. We can be victorious and give praise to the One that has delivered us!
Learn how to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. He continually stepped into crisis with words of hope, peace, joy and love. We can do the same. Watch the seas part as you begin this adventure.
Crisis 101 is amazingly versatile and can be used in a multitude of ministry areas:
Bible Class Elective Weekend Retreat Evangelism Training Church-Wide Outreach Student Ministries Individual & Family Counseling Home Groups (Online Version) Parenting Class Men's/Women's Discipleship Care Counselor Training New Believers Class
Dr. Robert Morgan (The Red Sea Rules) is one of the most respected authors and speakers in the country. There are over 4 million copies of his books in circulation worldwide. In Crisis 101 he brings to life 10 basic principles to help anyone facing difficult times. Then he will show us how to take those principles to others in need. Come along as he encourages us to face the Red Seas of life with courage and confidence. SESSION LENGTH: 20-25 MINUTES
- Mastering Life Before It's Too Late — A January 2015 release from Simon & Schuster.
- 12 Stories of Christmas — A September 2014 release from HarperCollins.
- The Angel Answer Book — A 2015 release from HarperCollins.
- Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents, published in 2013 by Simon & Schuster, a new title and format for Moments with Prodigals.
- The Lord is My Shepherd–That's Enough published in 2013 by Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster.
- Angels: True Stories – published in September of 2011 by Thomas Nelson J. Countryman
- Then Sings My Soul Book 3 – published in November of 2011 by Thomas Nelson
- The Nativity Collection – Six Stories that Share the Smiles, the Heart, and the Hope of Christmas: published in 2010 by Thomas Nelson
- 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart: published in 2010 by B & H Publishers
- Near to the Heart of God: 366 devotions based on dates in the lives of famous hymn writers, published in October of 2009 by Revell Books.
- My All in All – A book of daily devotions on God's all-sufficient grace, scheduled for release in October, 2008 from B&H Publications. Also to be released in large print.
- My John 3:16 Book / Lola Mazola's Happyland Adventure – a book designed to help elementary-aged children come to faith in Christ (B&H Publishers, 2008). Also available in Spanish.
- The Promise: How God Works All Things for Good (B&H Publishers, 2008) – "Profound and simple, loving and firm, hopeful and helpful"—Publishers Weekly. Soon to be available in Dutch and Korean.
- Thomas Nelson's Million Bible Challenge NKJV Edition with introduction by Robert J. Morgan – over 3 million in distribution.
- The Red Sea Rules (Thomas Nelson, 2001) – Ten principles for handling difficulty drawn from the dramatic story of the parting of the Red Sea in Exodus 14. A Crossings Book Club main selection. Also translated into Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Indonesian. Over 300,000 copies sold.
- SIMPLE: The Christian Life Doesn't Have to be Complicated (Randall House Publications, 2006).
- He Shall be Called: 150 Names of Jesus in the Bible and What They Mean to You (Warner Press, 2005). Paperback edition, 2006.
- Come Let Us Adore Him – The stories behind our favorite Christmas Carols (J Countryman, 2005).
- Jesus Loves Me, This I Know: The Remarkable Story Behind the World's Greatest Children's Song (J Countryman, 2006).
- Then Sings My Soul (Thomas Nelson, 2002) – 150 of the world's greatest hymn stories. This was a CBA Bestseller and a Crossings Bestseller with over 750,000 copies sold. It was Books R Fun's best-selling book for 2004, winning that award in two categories: religion and general.
- Then Sings My Soul, Volume 2 (Thomas Nelson, 2004). On the CBA Bestseller list.
- Then Sings My Soul: Accompaniment Edition (Thomas Nelson, 2006).
- Moments for Families With Prodigals (NavPress, 2003) – Prayers and promises for worried parents and grandparents.
- The Children's Daily Devotional Bible (Thomas Nelson, 1996) – Best-seller. Winner of the 1997 Gold Medallion for the Elementary Division. Over 100,000 in circulation.
- The Light-Up Bible (Tommy Nelson, 1999) – Special edition of the Children's Daily Devotional Bible with pop-up light for nighttime reading by children.
- The International Children's Devotional Bible (Nelson, 2000) – The Children's Daily Devotional Bible in the text of the International Children's Bible.
- My First Catholic Bible (Nelson, 2001) – The Children's Daily Devotional Bible for Catholic youngsters, using the text of the New Revised Stand Version and with an introductory letter from Mother Teresa.
- Nelson's Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations, and Quotes (Thomas Nelson, 2000) Nominated for a Gold Medallion in the Christian Ministry category – a comprehensive collection of quotes, stories, statistics, and illustrations for speakers.
- The Preacher's Sourcebook of Creative Sermon Illustrations (Thomas Nelson, 2007)
- On This Day (Thomas Nelson, 1997) – Selected as the bicentennial product celebrating Nelson's 200 years of Christian publishing history. Translated into Korean, Indonesian, Dutch, Russian, and Chinese.
- From This Verse (Thomas Nelson, 1998) – Adult devotional featuring 366 stories about Bible verses that made a difference in life and history. Special edition published in the Philippines by CSM Publishing. Also translated into Filipino, Indonesian, and Korean.
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt (Evangelical Training Association, 1997) – Silver Medallion winner, 1998. Textbook on apologetics.
- Evidence and Truth: Foundations for Christian Truth – A special edition of Beyond Reasonable Doubt, published by Crossway Books (2003)
- Exploring Theology: A Guide for Systematic Theology and Apologetics (with Clarence H. Benson, published by Crossway Books (2007)
- Empowered Parenting (Lifeway Press, 1996). Translated into Spanish, 1998. Special edition published in the Philippines by CSM Publishing.
- Tiny Talks (Thomas Nelson, 1996), a book of devotions for preschoolers, was a finalist in the C. S. Lewis Medal Contest in the Picture Book category
- Real Stores for the Soul (Thomas Nelson, 2000) – 101 Incredible True Stories to Challenge Your Faith and Strengthen Your Trust. Translated into Indonesian, Korean, and Chinese.
- More Real Stories for the Soul (Thomas Nelson, 2000). Translated into Indonesian and Chinese.
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2002 (Thomas Nelson, 2001) – A pastor's toolbox of sermon outlines, service ideas, quotes, illustrations, interviews, and techniques for a year of pulpit work. General Editor.
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2003 (Thomas Nelson, 2002) – A pastor's toolbox of sermon outlines, service ideas, quotes, illustrations, interviews, and techniques for a year of pulpit work. General Editor
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2004 (Thomas Nelson, 2003) – #2 Bestseller on the CBA's Church and Ministry List.
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2005 (Thomas Nelson, 2004). On the CBA Bestseller list for Church and Ministry products.
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2006 (Thomas Nelson, 2005). The top-selling minister's annual for the fall and winter of 2005.
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2007 (Thomas Nelson, 2006).
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2008 (Thomas Nelson, 2007; with Joshua D. Rowe)
- The Preacher's Sourcebook: 2009 (Thomas Nelson, 2008; with Joshua D. Rowe)
- Lean on Me (J. Countryman, 2001) – A gift book of stories written for Christian recording artist Kirk Franklin. .
Series Introduction